Third Home from Burma: Minnesota’s Karen Community


My award-winning documentary aired on KFAI’s Minneculture program. The project included funding from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.


The Karen ethnic group from Burma (the country also known as Myanmar) have been displaced by violence and civil war since the late 1940s. They started coming to the United States in the early 2000s to escape human rights abuses by the Burmese military dictatorship. As I produced this documentary about the Karen refugee community in Minnesota, I was moved by their stories of suffering, of so many lives upended, but also by their stories of resilience and their determination to build a future in the U.S.

My roles: Reporting & research, interviewing, field recording, scriptwriting, narration, sound design, sound editing & mixing, final engineering for broadcast

Awards for this Story

Society of Professional Journalists
First Place, Documentary


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